Where System And Optics Come Together

By Asaf Granot

Latest Posts

  • How To Image Crack Growth With Event-Based Cameras
    In this post in the Event-Based cameras series we explore an imaging application of a very interesting mechanical phenomenon – crack growth. The application will show the clear advantages of using neuromorphic cameras for these fast moving cases
  • Event-Based Camera – The Focus Task
    The day-to-day optical tasks change when dealing with an event-based camera. Ever thought how to focus a static scene when there is not image if the scene is static? Read about focusing methods when using neuromorphic cameras
  • Introduction To Event-Based Cameras – The Change Is The Image
    Event-Based cameras start to emerge here and there in the industry. In this first post in this post series we give an introduction to a different imaging technology that may become handy in many applications.
  • Practical Troubleshooting Flow in Details
    At one point or another something will go wrong in our system and we would be forced to solve it. Here is all about Troubleshooting, the ocean we all would like to avoid but must know how to swim in.
  • System Parameters And How To Define Towards Smooth Development Process
    We define, set and change system parameters all the time, sometimes even without knowing they are systematic. In this post we detail what is so special in these system parameters and how they relate to the development process.
  • Fundamentals of Algorithm Design
    Algorithm design may be treated as an art; however, in the development process even the artists need a well organized flow and emphasis points as detailed in this post.
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