Asaf Granot

Physics and Optics

I am Asaf Granot. I hold a BSc. degree in Physics and Computer Sciences and an MSc. degree in Applied Physics – Electro-Optics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. And as a true enthusiast, OK, I love complex systems and challenging R&D processes!

Throughout my professional life I have been around multi-disciplinary systems of which most involved optics. 

My professional roles started from SW Programming then went on to manufacturing and Process Engineering. From there I shifted to multidisciplinary R&D positions in Physics and Optics, Algorithms and Image Processing and finally System Engineering, from the characterization phase to complete product that goes to the end customer.

With over 20 years of experience in tech companies, I have the ability to design any system from an idea sketched on a napkin to a full blown product, plan its development process and identify R&D pitfalls, both technical and non-technical ahead of time and properly prepare for them.

Yes, among other services I provide, I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others and hence started writing my blog. In my posts I will cover a specific interesting topic from System, to Optics, to Algo or to any other professional subject I feel like sharing.

Feel free to contact me through the link here

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